Becoming more of yourself

“New year, new you, blah blah”

But what if you could be the real you.

Not through reinventing yourself.

But by revealing what is already there.

Becoming more of yourself through entrepreneurship.

Revealing your own statue, by slowly chipping away at the layers that are no longer helpful.

I spent the first 10 years in business learning how to build a business. I’ve spent the last 10 learning how to be me.

Spoiler alert: nail the latter and the former becomes a whole lot easier.

The good news?

Carlos and I have distilled everything we’ve learned over the last two decades into a curriculum that helps you to build a business from the inside-out — what we call your excite strategy.

Think of it like your bucketlist business plan.

It’s so simple yet so hard to do.

Finding that sweet spot.

“If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to far go together.”

From March 2023 we’ll be focused on helping a new cohort of Vision 20/20 to create a new vision for their work by uncovering their unique gifts and underlying needs, and making these visible.

Over the last 3 years we’ve seen 120 founders, leaders and solopreneurs from more than 20 countries graduate from this program.

We’re now accepting applications for Tribe 7 — where 20 purpose-driven people will go on a journey to make effortless impact, where you attract money and meaning by being more authentically you.

We’ll teach you the skills and show you the tools we’ve used to build our business and community.

Either one of myself, Carlos or Lana Jelenjev will be your coach for the 20 weeks.

And the supportive buddy group of 6 likeminded peers we bring together around you will become the rocket fuel that will help you actually turn your ideas into reality.*

*and become friends, collaborators and cheerleaders way beyond the program

Your excite strategy is a feeling.

A feeling of hope, possibility and belonging — bringing a creative energy that makes the impossible possible.

Just imagine what you could be capable of with the right support and accountability.

👨🏼‍🎓 Register your interest for Tribe 7 here